Ready & Roam’s breadth of knowledge comes from an incredible community of travelers who share their experience in an effort to help you travel easier. Our Roam Guides are highly curated, destination-specific travel stories told by discerning travelers, whose insight will prove invaluable to anyone planning a trip somewhere new.
Roam Guide / Telluride, Colorado
No where else does a free, eight-mile pedestrian gondola connect 14 thousand foot peeks and 2K acres of terrain to a low-key historic village. Custom designed yurts allow for al fresco dining and there is no shortage of eclectic in the gorgeous yet down-to-earth Telluride.
Roam Guide / Bozeman, Montana
Bozeman has a lot to offer on its own, but nearby Big Sky is considered top tier in the country with almost 6k skiable acres, the most consistent snow fall in the Northern Rockies and some of the most innovative and luxurious chairlifts.
Roam Guide / Park City, Utah
Park City has small town charm and an unpretentious sophistication of a big city. The mountain is easily accessible making it the quintessential ski town.