Ready & Roam’s breadth of knowledge comes from an incredible community of travelers who share their experience in an effort to help you travel easier. Our Roam Guides are highly curated, destination-specific travel stories told by discerning travelers, whose insight will prove invaluable to anyone planning a trip somewhere new.
Roam Guide / Dahab, Egypt
In this Roam Guide, Katrina Laemmerhirt, owner of Chicago’s urban outdoor company Brick Wood and Iron relives her memories of Dahab Egypt. This travel guide balances exploration of historic landmarks in Egypt with an off the grid visit to the cool waters off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula, one of the world’s most treasured diving destinations.
What to Know / Egypt
Egypt is a highly sought after destination right now, but you need to be sure your expectations are managed and you’re beyond prepared for the realities of traveling to this magnificent and treasure-filled country.
Ready and Roam / Western Cape, South Africa
Coastal living along the Western Cape is both expansive and quaint. The capital city of Cape Town is vibrant, stylish and sophisticated. Just one hour inland, you’ll find a picturesque wine region full of centuries old wineries. Southeast from the "the mother city" sits the seaside town of Hermanus, known for whale watching and cage diving with great white sharks.